About Me

I'll admit it, I'm a technophile.
I've always loved computers and software, starting with my DOS-only 286 through to my present day I7. Now, after providing years of tech support to friends and clients, and building computers for money and pleasure I'm just comfortable with computers, we understand each other.

I'm a longtime musician and have studied sound engineering, so for years that's where I directed my software cravings, until I developed an interest in CG in 2007.  My fiancee & I were planning to build a house, so after years of drafting by hand, I started making plans for my future house on the computer. That's when a lightbulb went on and I knew I had found my new career.

In 2008 I began working in Drafting and Design for a heritage restoration and construction company where I worked closely with many clients drawing and refining kitchen and home designs, as well as managing the projects.  These projects all required lit and rendered 3D models to give the client a true sense of the desired outcome. After moving to Prince Edward Island in 2011 I began freelancing to local interior designers and architects specifically for architectural visualization.

The other thing I've always loved?  Video games.  As soon as I got my paws into some digital clay, I wanted to make characters and assets for the games I love.  I recognized at the outset of my career in CG how similar the 3D drafting process is to the video game and film industry, so as I progressed in my field I made sure to understand the differences learn the extra skills. Mostly it's a difference of what kind precision is important, architectural drafting needs precision of size, video games need precision of topology and UV layout. Currently, I'm working with Unity3D to expand my understanding of game layout and programming.

I am always honing my skills with the aim of getting faster, better, and more diverse.  I have perseverance and drive in spades and if you have any constructive feedback for me I will use it to become even better at what I do.  Please feel free to comment or email me: devonross (at) gmail.com

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